Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Love

Now if i would choose to love her,
I hope she would swing her waist,
Dance like the natives of the west,
Now if she would choose to sing for me,
I would cherish a pitch higher than tenor,
Her tongue swift than the goddess' of the east,
Now if would love her complexion; ebony,
A perfection i would love to kiss tenderly,
And if i asked her name, Now hope,
It would be Truphosa, Hellena, Bridgitta,
Or maybe Bonaventure, i would love Perpetua,
Most of her kins have lost their grails,
They sold them to the houses of europa,
Where the did i say again?
They sold them to the 'houses of europa',

But now if she would love me back,
Would she still dare me with the raw love?
And if she would, will i stare and wait?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wololo this one is deep